The Dungeon of Juliet A
Apparently, I'm not very good at surviving in my own dungeon. Go figure. :)
I died in the Dungeon of Juliet A
I was killed in a crumbling pit by Suzy Marianne the arch-demon, whilst carrying...
the Axe of Epicyclical, the Amulet of Icons, the Shield of Fanlistings, a Figurine of Marishna, a Figurine of Cuterulz, the Axe of Cleolinda and 101 gold pieces.
Score: 113
Explore the Dungeon of Juliet A and try to beat this score,
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ETA: Okay, I tried it again and did better, but I'm leaving up my old results just because I think it's cool that Suzy Marianne was the one who got me. Et tu, Susan? :) Heh.
I escaped from the Dungeon of Juliet A!
I killed Lotrsues the kobold, Hermionesues the floating eye, Elflady 2001 the gelatinous cube and Trailer Spot the kobold.
I looted the Shield of Fanlistings, a Figurine of Marishna, a Figurine of Cuterulz, the Amulet of Caribbeansues, the Axe of Cleolinda, the Shield of Potcsues, the Sword of Teh Indy, the Armour of Toronto, the Armour of Potterpuffs and 113 gold pieces.
Score: 238
Explore the Dungeon of Juliet A and try to beat this score,
or enter your username to generate and explore your own dungeon...